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1. Touch Each Other Daily- It does not matter where you touch, just a gentle daily connection.
Take a Shower Together- The concept of being naked and grooming each other's bodies is exceptionally bonding.
Leave them a Post- Notes- Just a small little note somewhere you know they will find it.
Turn Off Your Phones- Plan on turning your phones off for at least two hours every week.
Sleep Naked Together- The pheromones you release during sleep are intoxicating to your partner.
Share a Sexual Fantasy- Sit down with your partner and talk about different fantasies you've had. Maybe they would be interested in Role-Playing; you never know if you never ask.
Plan a Manicure/Pedicure/Massage Date- Little self-care together goes a long way.
Flirt with Each Other: Release those feel-good hormones. Flirt be silly, laugh together.
Take care of one or more of the Household Chores for your Partner- A little kindness goes a long way after a long day at work.
Send Your Partner Flowers- The aroma of fresh-cut flowers are such a sweet treat.
Spontaneous Lunch Date: Go pick up your partner and randomly find a quick adventure for lunch.
Chocolate Chip Challenge- Practice throwing Chocolate Chips into your Partner's Mouth.
Update your Intimacy Box- Send them a link for a new Sex Toy you would be willing to try out.
Side with Your Partner- When a dispute comes up, show unity and side with your partner.
Compliment Your Partner - In front of their peers, coworkers, family, and friends.
Send Your Partner a Dirty Text Message- Make sure you send an NSFW warning. Then send them a naughty little text to let them know you're thinking about them.
Make a Warm meal for your Partner- Make a favorite comfort food just because you care.
Look thru Old Photos Together- Sit back and reflect on the life you both have built together.
Take them on a Special Getaway- Just the two of you to rest and reconnect.
Display a Fun Little Welcome Home Banner- Celebrate their Homecoming.
Lie Down In Bed Together- Share an intimate space and stare into each other's eyes for 1 FULL MIN. How do you both feel afterward?
Pull the Covers Over Your Bed in Bed- Have a private conversation under your favorite blanket.
SNUGGLE TIME!!- Watch a movie together on the couch and snuggle up close during the movie.
Make out Like Horny Teenagers again- Come HERE, BABY!! Have a Hot and Heavy making session, hot breath, heavy petting.
French Kiss- Learn & Practice a new technique for Making Out.
Embrace & Hug for 1 FULL MIN DAILY- Again, inhale those delicious Pheromones your Partner is putting off.
Laugh together- Find a movie or Comedy Club and share a laugh.
Greet Your Partner when they Come Home- Make a big deal about them coming home from a long day at work, tell them how much you missed them.
Be Curious, Ask Questions- What projects are they working on. Engage in an open line of communication and check in with them daily.
Create New Memories together- Find an Adventure together.
Add your Ideas and keep this list going.
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